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Nicole Walasek

Postdoctoral researcher


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I have a broad background in cognitive science, computer science, and psychology. In my research, I am interested in the evolution and development of sensitive periods – time periods during which experiences have a particularly large impact on development. I use mathematical models to explore how different environmental conditions, such as environmental change, shape patterns of sensitive periods across development. I am also interested in quantifying how the environment changes across time in human and non-human empirical data. As a next step, I would like to study how such changes shape development in different species and traits. 


ongoing projects




I am currently involved in projects that apply my statistical framework for studying environmental change to human, empirical data. Besides that I am also working on some empirical projects in non-human animals and on extensions of my models of phenotypic plasticity. 


If you want to get an impression of my work, you can have a look at my keynote at the JICE individualisation symposium. 


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